Posts in wellness
Is there a future free from gun violence? Quiana Agbai believes so and here's how we can get there.

Gun violence is a deadly problem in the United States. While studies show that more guns lead to more homicides, more women than ever before are arming themselves. So where do we go from here? Is it possible to imagine a future free from gun violence? Quiana Agbai believes in that future and shares some ways we can get there.

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10 Proven Ways to Reduce Stress You Can Do Right Now

The American Psychological Association asked Americans if they were stressed. To which they collectively said, Um, ya think? It's true that this pandemic era has ramped up everyone's heart rate, so how can we make it through? Our team found 10 ways—that we can actually control—to help manage stress levels. We hope it helps.

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wellnessJen Cooper
A Journey Towards Wellness

Nearly 40 million deal with anxiety and 16 million suffer from clinical depression. VRYeveryday founder Rynda Laurel knows the toll these can take on our bodies, minds, and spirits. She shares what people get wrong about mental health, and what can keep us moving forward in these challenging times.

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wellnessJen Coopermarch 23