Make this Your Summer of Power AND Desire

by Alyssa Zander
Photo by Augustine Wong for Unsplash

Generations of societal conditioning have led us to doubt our own intuition and give away our power to others

In our journey as women, we often find ourselves yearning for answers and seeking validation from people and things outside of us. Generations of societal conditioning have led us to doubt our own intuition and give away our power to others. I have experienced moments where my codependency tendencies took control, leaving me feeling lost in the depths of seeking outside validation. Whether it's chasing the likes and follows on social media or the relentless pursuit of perfection, we all encounter our own moments of vulnerability, driven by our humanness and ego. This is why our most important relationship is our relationship with ourselves.

During these transformative periods, I have discovered a remarkable tool that allows me to tap into my inner well of wisdom – meeting with my future self. In a world where societal projections can easily cloud our vision, connecting with our future self reminds us of our true potential and purpose. When I engage with my future self, I sense a profound wisdom and magnetic presence within her. And the truth is, we all have access to this future self, the one who knows how everything will unfold.

When I find myself caught in dysregulated patterns, I turn to my future self for guidance. This practice serves as a powerful reminder of our divine free will. We are the creators of our own chaos, and therefore, we hold the power to make it disappear. Never forget the immense power that resides within you – always.

Now, the question arises: How do we connect with our future selves? The answer is unique to each of us. Some possess the superpower of visualization, while others find solace in writing, hearing, or singing. We all have our own personal way of accessing our internal well of wisdom. This is precisely why reclaiming your sovereignty is so incredibly vital. No one outside of you can tap into your wisdom and gifts better than you.

In my work with women, I emphasize the importance of our intention and presence. By allowing yourself the space to be fully present and setting the intention to meet your future self, that is truly all that is needed. I often tap into this aspect of myself through meditation, although my favorite method is through a stream of consciousness. I write down questions and allow the answers to flow naturally. Each time, I am left amazed by the responses—like a weight lifted off my shoulders. When I read the responses that flow through me, they resonate as truth, the words like a salve to my worries and doubts. They often guide me towards surrender and trust, leading me to the vast unknown – the void.

Whether it’s chasing the likes and follows on social media or the relentless pursuit of perfection, we all encounter our own moments of vulnerability, driven by our humanness and ego. This is why our most important relationship is our relationship with ourselves.

Recently, when I was feeling overwhelmed and struggling to see beyond the surface, I connected with my future self. What I encountered was an overwhelming sense of contentment. Her eyes brimmed with love, emanating a deep peace, satisfaction, and fulfillment. During our conversation, I asked her several pivotal questions:

  1. What critical thing do you know now that I don’t know yet?

  2. What advice do you have for me?

  3. What should I worry less about right now?

  4. What should I be focusing more on right now?

Interestingly, these insights arrived at the perfect moment, just as I had sent my manuscript to my publisher. The guidance I received aligned perfectly with my path, supporting me in taking decisive action in my life and work for the past three months. Our future selves possess incredible wisdom and knowledge of how everything will unfold. We are always being guided towards our most fulfilled life. However, it's crucial to remember that we also possess free will. The power of choice lies within us.

We can choose to embrace the unknown, lean into the wisdom of the void, and trust the process, even without knowing how it will ultimately unfold. Remember, we are always in co-creation. The kind of life we desire to manifest depends on the choices we make.

When women come to me seeking guidance, the first question I ask them is, "How do you desire to feel?" More often than not, they confess to not experiencing those desired feelings in their lives. This disconnect arises from giving away their power, forgetting the wise part of themselves that exists within, alive and well.

So, dear women, I invite you to embark on a profound journey of self-discovery. Shift your focus from societal norms and projections, and tune into the immense well of wisdom and desire that resides within you. It is time to reclaim your power, trust your intuition, and embrace your unique path. You don't have to walk this transformative journey alone.

Remember, your future self awaits – wise, loving, and ready to guide you. It's time to step into your power, honor your desires, and co-create the life you truly deserve.