She's 54, still riding the waves, and for 20 years has taught others to do the same

photos courtesy of Pura Vida
Interview by Jennifer Cooper

Women together can really create some beautiful connectedness.
— Tierza Eichner

Picture this: You’re on the beach. The sun is warm, the waves are rolling, and you’re ready to do something you’ve dreamed about for a long time but were afraid you’d missed your opportunity.  

Because somewhere along the way you got the message that you were too old to try new things, and yet you knew deep down that was a lie. Hasn’t your body proven time and again that it is more capable than you’ve given it credit for? It’s been craving this moment. 

You feel the sand under your feet and wrap your arm around your surfboard. You’re ready. 

For 20 years, Tierza Eichner has witnessed that moment. She’s the founder of Pura Vida Adventures, a surf and yoga retreat in Costa Rica. She and her team lead groups through week-long yoga and surfing lessons so they can reconnect with the parts of themselves they feared were lost. 

Kate Trujilo from Oakland, California booked the trip for her 50th birthday. She called it the most fantastic adventure of her lifetime so far. She’s just one of the many women who’ve ridden the waves and walked away energized by the experience.

I recently chatted with the Pura Vida founder about her own journey, and what she’s discovered after 20 years of awakening the spirit of adventure in others. 

What inspired you to start Pura Vida Adventures? 

In 2001, I got laid off from my internet job in San Francisco. I had just learned how to surf and decided to go to Costa Rica because the job market in SF was dismal. I asked surfers where I should go in Costa Rica for fun, beginner friendly waves and Santa Teresa was highly recommended. I absolutely fell in love with this little village, beautiful beaches, friendly people, and the relaxed vibe. It was heavenly. I didn’t want to leave. I met a group of people from San Francisco who were there for a surf camp and this planted a seed in my mind. I loved surfing and Costa Rica and I didn’t have a job. When I left after two months of being there, I decided that day that I would start a surf camp. This was in 2002. I went back to San Francisco and started to build the business. In January of 2004, we had our first camp and we have been in business ever since. 

One of your big demographics is high achieving women in their 40s. Why do you think midlife is one of the perfect times to sign up for something like this?

 Before the 2000’s, most women didn’t take a vacation for themselves. Women are the caregivers of the family and they felt guilty leaving them. Men always took trips together, golfing, fishing, adventuring, etc. I feel like women have changed in the past few decades and they now see the benefits of taking time for themselves. 

Most women in their 40s already have a career, they have more disposable income, and their kids are older. It is the perfect time for them to get back into themselves, explore something new, grow as a person and be part of a community. Some of the women who come to the retreat are going through big changes like divorce, a change in career, and rethinking their lives. 

A week at PVA can be really profound and life changing for women. Most of these women are active, Type A personalities that run the show. The ocean humbles them and makes them vulnerable. In this vulnerability, you find your true self. It can be such a beautiful a-ha moment for women. I have absolutely been there myself and you get in touch with what you truly want from life. 

During the retreat, they are surrounded by other amazing women who become their friends and community of support. Women together can really create some beautiful connectedness. They also know how to have a lot of fun and a lot of laughs together. They become a kid again and let their hair down and play in the ocean and on the beach. 

When I started the business in 2004, I thought it would be just a fun week for people but it became so much more. It is so organic how everything happens, you put women together and add surfing, yoga and adventure and you never know what might happen! 

Tell me what I can expect to experience as a newbie to surfing. And, realistically, how “in shape” do I need to be?

As long as you can lay down and stand up by yourself, you can surf! Of course your surf week would be a lot easier if you were in shape, but you really don’t need to be in that great of shape to learn to surf. Swimming is the most similar to surfing, but yoga is one of the easiest ways to get in shape for surfing: balance, focus, and strength.  

What are some of the personal transformations or a-ha’s you’ve seen come out of these trips? 

It is absolutely endless. Women have come to the retreat and completely changed their lives afterwards. People have written me to say that after a week at PVA they decided to move, changed careers, get a divorce, etc. Some of them moved to Santa Teresa, Costa Rica because they fell in love with the place just like I did. 

This week really helps them to slow down and truly get in touch with their feelings. Getting out of your environment and going somewhere new and doing an extreme sport will get you in the present moment. And in these moments is when you find yourself. 

And finally, a huge congratulations on 20 years in business! That’s a massive accomplishment, especially given the turbulence over these past couple decades. Do you have any words of advice for other female entrepreneurs out there? 

Just go for it! Stop second guessing yourself and looking for others to tell you what to do. Your inner compass is your guide. Let that guide be the light that leads you. I am now 54 years old and I have truly found that my inner guide would not steer me wrong or make me do something that was going to be bad for me. 

How did I stay afloat for the last two decades? It is because I always kept moving forward and believing what I was providing to my clients was something that was really special. My staff and I have developed relationships with a lot of our clients and that makes us all feel like we are all part of a community. 

I also try to hire people who are passionate about what we provide and give them a sense of ownership. Finding employees and contract workers can be the hardest part of the job, but making sure you surround yourself with a supportive group of people will really make your job easier. Our team is a family and we really care about each other and this makes everyone feel like they are part of something bigger. 

Pura Vida offers retreats November through August. Book your trip at

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