Want more out of life? Try this visualization

This is a preview of Making Space for Desire: A Visualization Practice for Your New Year
from our
January 2024 Digital Issue

by Alyssa Zander
photo by Maria Ionova

I’m not here to feed you more talk about manifestation because quite frankly, we have enough people out there on the interwebs talking about it. A common sentiment I hear a lot is how much it “didn’t work for them.” They didn’t get the job they wanted, they agonize over the money that didn’t come in, or they’re still waiting on the ‘meet cute’ with the love of their life.

My first question for people is: Did you do the shadow work, before you did the manifestation?

This is usually where people look at me with confusion on their faces, or they defend themselves with an, “of course I did!” The only thing is, if you actually did the shadow work before you started jotting down all those dreams that you are calling in, then you would have a lot more compassion and trust, and a lot less judgment and feelings of lack.

What I mean is, there are unconscious beliefs and stories that are usually taking up so much space in your psyche that there is no room for what you desire to come in– especially because those shadow aspects of yourself probably have beliefs that say why you shouldn’t, or can’t, have those things in the first place. Don’t worry, I’m going to share with you all how to do this so that you can make sure there’s plenty of space for all that magic to come in.

But before we get into that, I also want to touch on something else that I find extremely important when we are intention setting…

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